Reid Kubesh, Coldspring Matt Henderson, Site One, and Greg Osterhout, Northern Stone Supply & TexaStone Quarries
Education Session 5
Increase Profitability with Natural Stone
Moderator: reid kubesh
Panel: matt henderson & greg osterhout
Wednesday, October 16, 2:30 - 3:30 Pm
Have you wondered if installing more natural stone could benefit your business? We’ve assembled a panel of industry experts to share firsthand their experience with natural stone in the hardscape industry. The panel of stone professionals will explore how natural stone can be profitable for your business. Our panelists will provide tips to make stone sourcing easier, streamline the buying process, and provide insight on how to grow your bottom line.
Learning Objectives
· Network with stone hardscape professionals and natural stone suppliers
· Review opportunities to make working with stone more efficient and
· Identify ways to streamline the stone purchasing process
· Highlight the economic benefits and opportunities of working with natural